Monday, August 4, 2014

Literacy Assessment Data Tracking

It's that time of the year where teachers are dying to get into their classrooms but have to go to meetings instead! At my school, returning staff  goes back on Wednesday and I just looked over the schedule for our 3 weeks of PD/curriculum planning/classroom prep!  Of course I'm anxious about organizing and preparing my classroom, every teacher is! We have moved schools and this is the third time I will have to create a classroom from scratch. BLANK CANVAS! Although it's overwhelming, I do LOVE organizing and making sure everything has a home! Over the past few days I've been trying to do some school prep at home. At the end of last year our team sat down and thought about what we would want to do differently during the beginning of the year to make the rest of the year flow better. 

For literacy we wanted to focus on assessments. 

We use Journey's Curriculum and although students do take weekly assessments on vocabulary, comprehension, and phonics, but we felt that students weren't as involved as we wanted them to be with understanding their score and what they could do to improve their skills in any of these areas. 

Our literacy center time is very independent. Students do not rotate through centers together, they get to choose what center they want to do and when they want to do it, scary huh? It works! It holds them accountable for time management, working independently, and being diligent. I think having students track their own learning and data from assessments will be beneficial to them too, they can stay motivated and take ownership of their learning. 

I searched and searched but couldn't find exactly what I wanted so of course...I MADE IT MYSELF!!!

Each week, after the students take their assessment, we will grade the assessment together and then students will track their data from the comprehension portion of the assessment. Each box underneath tells the lesson number, standard we are working on that week, and student friendly AIM. After we spiral back to an AIM, students will be able to see their progress for skills as well as progress for weekly test taking strategies. 

This is just a start and I'm sure we'll make some tweaks along the way but I hope we're headed in the right direction!

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